فرم ثبت نام Registration Form

We believe the first step in preserving our Persian Heritage outside of Iran is to learn the Farsi language(Persian). Every year in September  we start our Farsi classes that lasts till end of May of the next year. These classes remotely or in person, are being held once a week for one hour. In these classes students learn to speak, or read and write Farsi language. Also students are introduced to get  Iran’s geography, history, epic heroes and folkloric stories and our ceremonies/culture.
There is no age limitation for the students but all students are required to be able to easily read English language.  To register, please fill out the below form and submit. I will contact you by email, or telephone.

We teach Farsi in person or remotely using Zoom .

برای پیوند دادن نسل ایرانی با فرهنگ و زبان مادریمان، نخستین گام، یاد گیری زبان فارسی است
به همین منظور کلاسها هر هفته  از راه دور واز طریق کامپیوتر و یا حضوری برگزار میشود
کلاس علاوه بر خواندن، نوشتن و صحبت کردن زبان فارسی، دانش آموزان را با جغرافیا، تاریخ،داستان های حماسی و عامیانه و آداب و رسوم ایرانی آشنا خواهد کرد
‎شرکت درکلاسها محدودیت سنی ندارد ولی همه باید زبان انگلیسی را به راحتی و خوبی بخوانند
برای هر دانش آموز فرم را پر کرده و ارسال فرمایید

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Student's Name
Student should have finished the first grade
Does Student Currently Speaks Farsi?
Are both Parents Farsi Speakers?
Do you have Farsi speakers in your immediate family?
Is Student Interested in (Check boxes below)
You can choose multiple options
Father's Information
Reads, Writes, Speaks Farsi? (Check all that applies)
Mother's Information
Reads, Writes, Speaks Farsi? (Check all that applies)